Resources for Survivors of Domestic Violence

Resources for Domestic Violence

Recursos de Violencia Domestica

(All numbers are in the 702 area code unless otherwise indicated)

Emergency Telephone Numbers

Police Emergency ???? 911
Fire Emergency ???? 911
Boulder City Police Department ???? 293-9224
Henderson Police Department ???? 565-8933
Ambulance Dispatch Center ???? 384-3400
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police ???? 229-3111
Poison Control ???? 732-4989
North Las Vegas Police ???? 633-9111
Nevada Highway Patrol ???? 486-4100

Important Telephone Numbers

HELP Team for Homeless Persons ???? 229-4348
Nat’l Missing & Exploited Children ???? 388-2888
Mount Charleston ???? 1-800-492-6565
Clark County Fire Department ???? 1-800-843-5678

Homeless & Emergency Shelters

Interfaith Hospitality Network ???? 638-8806
Clark Cty Emergency TPO ???? 646-4981 ???? 400 W Van Buren, Las Vegas, NV
Clark Cty Court TPO Office ???? 455-3400 ???? 480 W Bonanza Rd, Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas Rescue Mission ???? 382-1766
National Crisis Hotline ???? 1-800-799-SAFE
Nevada Crisis Hotline ???? 1-800-486-7282
St. Vincent’s Annex ???? 384-0409 ???? 1526 N Main St, Las Vegas, NV
SAFE House Crisis (Henderson) ???? 564-3227
SAFE House (offices) ???? 451-4203
Salvation Army Shelter ???? 639-1876 ???? 35 W Owens, North Las Vegas, NV
Safe Nest Crisis (LV, NLV) ???? 646-4981
Safe Nest (Offices) ???? 877-0133
The Shade Tree ???? 385-4596 ???? 1 W Owens, Las Vegas, NV
The Shade Tree Crisis (LV) ???? 385-4596
The Shade Tree (offices) ???? 385-0072
WestCare Youth Shelter ???? 385-3332 ???? 300 E Charleston, Las Vegas, NV

Other Hotline Services

Child Abuse Hotline ???? 399-0081
Catholic Charities ???? 383-0766 ???? 1560 N Main St, Las Vegas, NV
Child Protective Services ???? 455-5481
Mental Health Crisis Center ???? 486-8020
Christ Church Episcopal ???? 735-7655
Missing Children (NV) ???? 486-3539 ???? 2000 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV
Poison Control, Clark County ???? 732-4989
Christ the King Church ???? 871-1904 ???? 4925 Torrey Pines, Las Vegas, NV
Rape Crisis Hotline ???? 366-1640
Senior Protective Services ???? 455-8687
Community Food Bank ???? 643-0074
Southwest Passage (español) ???? 631-8722 ???? 4601 E Cheyenne #111, Las Vegas, NV
Suicide Prevention ???? 1-877-885-HOPE
HACA ???? 486-6770 ???? 145 Panama, Henderson, NV
Suicide Hotline-Clark Cty ???? 731-2990
Salvation Army Family Center ???? 649-8240 ???? 35 W Owens, Las Vegas, NV
WestCare Detoxification Center ???? 383-3044
Weekend Emergency Assistance ???? 383-4054
WestCare Youth Shelter ???? 385-3330 ???? 1501 N Main, Las Vegas, NV
Alcohol Drug Treatment And Referral ???? 1-800-454-8966
Women, Infants & Children ???? 647-2171 ???? 2220 Comstock Dr, Las Vegas, NV

Transitional Housing

Ashley House ???? 647-2010
Golden Rule, Inc. ???? 383-0847 ???? 624 E Stewart, Las Vegas, NV
Project Home (EOB) ???? 647-3307 ???? 330 W Washington, Ste 7, Las Vegas, NV
Real Property Services Corp. ???? 385-6935
Women’s Development Cntr ???? 796-7770 ???? 953 E Sahara, Ste 201, Las Vegas, NV


Boulder City Jail ???? 293-9224
Clark County Custody Information ???? 671-3900
Clark County Detention Center ???? 455-3700
Henderson City Jail ???? 565-2028
Juvenile Booking ???? 455-5450
Las Vegas City Custody Information ???? 229-6429
Las Vegas City Jail ???? 229-6099
Las Vegas METRO Custody ???? 455-3900
North Las Vegas City Jail ???? 633-1404
Clark County Housing Authority ???? 451-8041
Las Vegas Housing Authority ???? 386-2727
N. Las Vegas Housing Auth. ???? 649-2451
EOB Housing Assistance ???? 657-7816
Women’s Development Cntr. ???? 796-7770

Child Care Information/Assistance

EOB Child Care Assistance ???? 387-0985
Clark County CC Licensing (referrals) ???? 455-3894
Clark County CC Assoc. (referrals) ???? 734-0504
Las Vegas City Licensing (referrals) ???? 229-6922
Nevada State Licensing (referrals) ???? 486-5099
Clark County District Atty. ???? 455-4204
Henderson Police ???? 565-2525
Las Vegas City Attorney ???? 229-2525
Las Vegas METRO (not DV) ???? 229-2955
Las Vegas METRO (DV) ???? 229-2690
Nevada Attorney General ???? 486-3539
North Las Vegas Police ???? 633-1751
U.S. Attorney General ???? 388-6336
Victims/Crime Compensation ???? 486-2740

Legal Resources/Services

Clark County District Court Self-Help Ctr ???? 455-1500
Clark County Law Library ???? 455-4695
Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada ???? 386-1070
Nevada Legal Services ???? 386-0404
Nevada State Bar Lawyer Referral ???? 382-0504
Senior Law Project ???? 229-6596

Immigration Assistance

Comm. Action Against Rape ???? 385-2153
Compassionate Friends ???? 456-0052
Catholic Charities ???? 383-8387
Families of Murder Victims ???? 873-5696
Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada ???? 386-1070
STOP DUI ???? 456-STOP
Nevada Assoc. Latin Amer. (NALA) ???? 382-6252
Secret Witness ???? 385-5555
Nevada Legal Services ???? 386-0404

Miscellaneous Services

Catholic Comm. Services ???? 385-2662
HELP of Southern Nevada ???? 369-4357
Jewish Family Services ???? 732-0304
Henderson Allied Comm. Adv. (HACA) ???? 486-6770
LDS Family Services ???? 385-1072
Nevada Assoc. Latin Amer. (NALA) ???? 382-6252
Lutheran Social Services ???? 639-1730
United Way of Southern Nevada ???? 734-2273

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725 E. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89104
tel (702) 386-1070, fax (702) 366-0569
TDD: (702) 386-1059