Legal Aid Center’s Guardianship Advocacy Project provides representation to seniors, adults with disabilities, and minors in the guardianship arena to ensure their legal rights are protected. Click here to view our Guardianship Advocacy Project year-end program report.
Cases are referred to the Guardianship Advocacy Project from the Court, therefore, we do not accept applications for legal representation. If you are seeking information about guardianship in general or seeking to become a guardian, Legal Aid Center offers a free Guardianship class. Class information can be found below.
In order to provide legal representation to all protected persons (persons under a guardianship) so that their rights are protected, Legal Aid Center developed a training manual for use by the legal community. This manual provides general information to pro bono attorneys who take adult guardianship cases through Legal Aid Center’s Pro Bono Project. For more information about the Pro Bono Project click here.
Clerks at both the Family Law Self-Help Center and the Civil Law Self-Help Center can provide you with legal information and forms related to guardianship matters. Forms and information are also available online at the Family Law Self-Help Center website here. Additionally, the Supreme Court of Nevada established a Nevada Guardianship Compliance Office and a Guardianship Fraud Hotline to report concerns. The hotline number is 1-833-421-7711. More information about the Compliance Office is provided below.